Sunday, February 2, 2025: solemn celebration of the presentation of the Lord Jesus. Sanctification of candles: He is a light for the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel. This time of celebration of the presentation of the Lord Jesus marks the moment when Jesus publicly obeyed the law and met the people who were waiting for him; it is also the end of the day of hygiene, according to the law of Moses, after which those who have received grace will offer gifts to the Lord. It's in the Church that we see Christ and welcome him. The Feast of the Holy Lights reveals the light that symbolizes Christ, the light...
Sunday, celebration of the Baptism of Christ: Jesus was baptised; symbol of our baptism. The heavens opened and the voice of God the Father said: ‘This is my beloved Son, listen to him’. The Baptism of the Lord can also be seen as an appearance of the Lord, representing the beginning of the Lord's life in the community around Him; The celebration of Christmas also ends here, celebrating the baby Jesus. John's baptism was performed with water, but Christ's is performed with the Holy Spirit and fire. John is an example for us in our missionary work; he prepared people's hearts to receive Christ, and so is the work that awaits us Christians...
Sunday celebration of the appearance of the Lord or Epiphany: God wants this world to be his family Church; We saw the star in the east, so we came to worship the Lord. Christmas is over, the celebration of the Epiphany may be ignored by many, but the mystery of Christmas is empty if the mystery of Christmas is not reflected in the world on the occasion of the Epiphany. Epiphany marks his work among the peoples of the whole world, which the Magi themselves represent. At Christmas, Jesus appears only to the shepherds, but at Epiphany, he welcomes everyone on earth; all nations are saved by Jesus, he is the Messiah for all peoples...
Sunday after the birth of the Lord - feast of the holy family: a loving family, paradise on earth; may the peace of Christ reign in your hearts; and the word of Christ will dwell in you in abundance. Children are a gift from God, bringing joy and happiness to the couple. Being a child is a gift from God. Parents must remember that they do not own their children, but that it is their duty to make God's vocation known in their children. he Church values the relationship between children and parents and encourages everyone to show respect, love...
At the end of its second General Assembly, held from 15 to 18 October 2024, the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace sent a message to government officials at all levels, as well as to all Malagasy and all people of goodwill.
Read more ...Christmas is a great joy, because it is the love of God that has come to us, proclaims Fr. Bizimana Innocent, Provincial Superior of the Salesians Don Bosco of Madagascar and Mauritius, presenting his Christmas greetings. Salvation is accomplished, so life is not in danger of disappearing. It is this love and this salvation that we wish to fill our life so that we have peace.
Read more ...The short film "Zatti, our brother" (Argentina, 2020) focuses on one of the most difficult episodes of his life. We are in Viedma, in 1941: at the age of 60, Zatti is forced to leave the hospital he has attended for decades. His faith and strength are tested.
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